Frequently asked questions

We ask to wait at least 1 hour before driving the vehicle.

We ask that you wait at least 48 hours to allow enough time to cure.

Yes, we will come to you with the address provided.

Yes, our mobile technicians will service throughout the valley

We can typically perform the work the next day providing that the glass is available and if insurance approves.

Yes, we are approved by most insurance companies.

Yes, we can assist in both the Dynamic and Static Recalibration of the vehicle. In many cases, we will have a technician come directly to you to be completed.

As long as you have a “zero” deductible “glass coverage” policy, you should not have any out of pocket cost.

Times can vary depending on the automobile. However, they can typically range from 45 minutes to an hour, not including recalibration.

We ask that someone will be there to approve the completed service.

Although the chip repair will help prevent the crack from further spreading, often times it will not completely remove the blemish from your view.